Appointment Program

The easiest way to sell your services online

Appointment, Marketing and Customer Register

With online booking, your shop is open for 24-hour bookings and you free up your time for customer service. According to Statistics Finland, over 66% of all age groups are active online. Now is the time to transfer your booking online!

Easily manage your business from one place

The Nida Online Service manages all your Reservations and Customers in one place. When you sign in, you will see the current situation at the day, week or month level. You switch between locations, manage your employees 'working hours, and track your customers' booking history as they walk in the door. Nida Web Service gives you a clear overview of your entire business at a glance.

Be yourself

Developed in collaboration with hundreds of companies, Nida's Web Service Booking System understands the challenges of multiple industries from hairdressing, tennis, and yoga to meeting rooms.

Tell us about your project

Main features of the appointment program

Ease of use of the system

System Extensibility

System reliability

Customer experience

Marketing Tools

The system bends to your terms

Visual appearance of the system

Ensuring the level of provisioning

Company reliability

Support (phone / email)

Mobile / tablet functionality

Online payment option

Fully Responsive / Mobile Friendly

Responsive websites serve customers regardless of device. They work seamlessly on all devices: mobile, tablets, mini-laptops, laptops, phablets (was that all?) And big-screen desktops.

Today's appointment should serve its customers just as well, whether it's a traditional PC or mobile customer. Nida Verkkopalvelu's appointment solution pays special attention to mobile requirements.

Ajanvaraus Ylläpito


Full features of a comprehensive range of appointment booking system

    The prices include the value-added tax (24 %)

Frequently asked Questions

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions related to our products and services

If you do not find the answer to your question or if you would like more information, please feel free to contact us at any time and we will be happy to assist you.

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